The Devil is AI and you don't even know it. Scared yet?

Stop the devil

Stop the devil

students against ai

students against ai

Sign Our Petition Now

Stand against the digital devil! Say no to Image Generative AI, a technology that threatens our privacy and authenticity. Join the fight to regulate and ban these algorithms. Sign the petition now to protect our souls from the dark side of artificial intelligence. Together, let's build a tech future with ethics and conscience. 🚫✍️ #StudentsAgainstAI #TechEthics #FightTheDigitalDevil

Stand against the digital devil! Say no to Image Generative AI, a technology that threatens our privacy and authenticity. Join the fight to regulate and ban these algorithms. Sign the petition now to protect our souls from the dark side of artificial intelligence. Together, let's build a tech future with ethics and conscience. 🚫✍️ #StudentsAgainstAI #TechEthics #FightTheDigitalDevil

"You shall have no other gods before me."

- Exodus 20:3

"You shall have no other gods before me."

- Exodus 20:3

AI pretends to have all the answers and can deceive those in desperate search of answers into believing that AI is holier than our Lord. Do not seek answers from the devil; raise your questions to the Lord, our God, and reject AI.

AI pretends to have all the answers and can deceive those in desperate search of answers into believing that AI is holier than our Lord. Do not seek answers from the devil; raise your questions to the Lord, our God, and reject AI.

It's not just us students who are worried…

Billionaire Elon Musk, and inventor of AI, asserts that we are summoning the devil when it comes to AI. We should heed his words, not only because of his status but also considering his track record in saving platforms like Twitter, now X.

Billionaire Elon Musk, and inventor of AI, asserts that we are summoning the devil when it comes to AI. We should heed his words, not only because of his status but also considering his track record in saving platforms like Twitter, now X.

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!

You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!

Who can sign the petition?

Anyone can rise up and make their voice heard. Don’t step back, step up!

Why should I sign?

Your voice matters, and together, we can make the world a better place and abolish AI!

Is my personal information safe?

Absolutely! Your security is our top priority. So, sign with peace of mind.

How can I contribute?

Apart from your voice, you can contribute time, resources or even a share this website and the danders of AI to your friends and family.

© 2023 by Students Against AI

Generated on Tuesday, March 1, 2023